
About your data

Don't hesitate to contact me for any further explanation for anything regarding your privacy.

Data Collection

When you use some of our services, such as the contact form, we collect your IP address to protect our services from spams and such issues.
Your IP is anonymized after a certain amount of time.

We could collect some of your data using Umami, which is compliant with your privacy and the europe laws and does not ask any consent given their scope.

Data Security

The website uses LetsEncrypt to generate and validate TLS certificate to communicate over internet.

Following the OWASP guidelines concerning sensitive data storage, we use PBKDF2 with the minimum defaults required by OWASP. (More than 210000 iterations with SHA-512)

If the website start to getting traction of any sort, we plan to migrate our hashing function to a more robust one, such as scrypt.